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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

2018 Stagecoach & Freight Wagon Conference

Whether you’re looking for the perfect spring seat to complete a wagon, need help determining a maker name, or are trying to figure out how a certain thing was crafted ‘back-in-the-day,” it's not always easy for western vehicle enthusiasts to know where to get the right information.  Thankfully, that’s one of the great benefits of getting to know folks with similar interests.  After all, it often takes more than individual diligence to locate crucial details.  Ultimately, we all need help from time to time.  It’s why networking with like-minded enthusiasts can be so helpful to collectors, historians, museums, and vehicle owners. 

To that point, I recently received some interesting information from Jim Pomajevich with the National Stagecoach & Freight Wagon Association.  This great group of folks is holding their 11th Annual Conference in early spring of 2018.  One of the most notable aspects of this gathering is the packed roster of activities and learning opportunities.  It’s such an impressive lineup that I thought I’d pass along some details this week.  Hopefully, the heads-up is early enough to allow everyone a chance to make the March 15-18, 2018 event.  

Over a dozen speakers are slated to address a wide range of topics; everything from M.P. Henderson wagons and stagecoaches as well as details on ambulances, blacksmithing, wheelwrighting, a look at East & West stagecoach variations, overland trails, and much more.  Ultimately, the get-together should be a rare opportunity to network and get up-close to a lot of quality, period vehicles.

For more details, check out the particulars on the National Stagecoach & Freight Wagon Association website.

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