When it comes to the restoration,
conservation, and re-creation of early western vehicles, Doug Hansen and his
team of craftsmen in Letcher, South Dakota are among those often mentioned. I’ve had the privilege of visiting Doug’s
place several times and am always impressed with the diversity of vehicles on
site and the quality he turns out. If
you enjoy the heritage of the early American West, Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop gets you up close and personal with some of the most legendary surviving
wheels from that era.
In keeping with a series of interviews
we’ve been doing for our Wheels That Won The West® Archives, we asked Doug to
share some thoughts on his company and the vehicles they work with.
Can you give us an overview of the
primary work you do at Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop?
“We specialize in heavy & western
horse-drawn vehicles, and focus on historic replication of these vehicles,
along with authentic restoration and conservation work. We also offer wheel
repair, as we can build or restore nearly any kind of wooden-spoke wheel.
Another key component of our business is the retail side, supplying wagon
components, and wheels etc. to enthusiasts around the world.”
Doug and Holly Hansen of Hansen
Wheel & Wagon Shop
It’s always interesting to learn how folks got
started in any business. What’s the
background to your story?
“Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop started as a
hobby, which grew into a passion, and eventually a full-fledged business. My
family was a key element in offering me fertile ground to grow my passion. I
gained a lot of my interest in horses and buggies from my mother (a saddle maker),
and grandfather (farmer, blacksmith). My father was helpful as well by
providing me access to his work shop & skills. My mother had collected
several buggies which she had purchased at auctions & called on me to help
with the restoration. My grandfather had worked in his uncle's blacksmith shop
and had some great pointers on the art of the wheelwright and blacksmithing. He
also was quite a hand with mules and horses and introduced me to driving as
well. This proved very helpful in allowing me to fully understand all aspects
of the trade.
Eventually word of mouth spread and, as I
continued my research, I became increasingly busy restoring neighbors' and
acquaintances' horse-drawn vehicles. I saw this as a way to make a full-time
career out of my growing interest in and passion for preserving history through
these horse-drawn vehicles. Thus, Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop was started in
1978 in an old Depot building I moved to our location on the west bluffs of the
James River just north of Mitchell, South Dakota. My wife Holly and I
have grown our business over the years as we built chuck wagons, hitch wagons,
stagecoaches, and restored vehicles of all varieties. I’m often asked how I was
trained in the field and my best answer to this is; I was driven by an
unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Pursuing understanding, I embarked on a
self-taught journey, with very limited written resources, searching out tidbits
of information along the way. But in reality I studied under the old masters of
the trade, not literally in person, but by example: as I have studied,
dissected and analyzed their work for over 35 years.”
Replica 1840 linch pin Prairie
Over that time period, you’ve worked on a lot
of different vehicles. What do you
consider your most significant accomplishment in your business?
“I think that would have to be our ability to
embody the authentic and original elements of design, and implementing those
elements as we work to restore, replicate and conserve the historic integrity
of these unique, wheeled vehicles of the past. Capturing the essence of design,
function, and technology held so close by the craftsmen of old has made a
profound impact on our success.”
What's the most memorable vehicle that you've been
involved with?
“Wow! That’s a tough question as there are so
many vehicles steeped in rich history. If I were to say what vehicles I have
learned the most from, it is the original concord coaches that we have
restored. We have found signatures, dates, details in construction processes,
methods, etc.
I’ve developed a deep respect for the industry
of horse drawn vehicle manufacturing. The people behind it were every bit as
talented, educated and gifted as any in the present transportation industry.
The craftsmen, engineers, designers and marketers developed some of the most
intricately handsome, stylish and enduring vehicles that played such a dynamic
role in developing our nation.”
Doug Hansen driving
Jim Patrick's Peter Schuttler chuck wagon during
a buffalo hunt
Your shop always seems to be full of interesting
projects. What are some of the things
you’re working on now?
“Current and upcoming shop projects include:
restoration of a 2-seat mountain spring wagon, conservation of a historic
Henderson mud wagon from Santa Barbara, California, restoration of an original
Yosemite coach, a Schooner for the California Trail Museum, a replica Banning
Concord Coach, one of 3 made by the Wilmington wagon factory.
We just recently completed a newly constructed
5th wheel covered wagon. Currently we are working on restoring both
an oil & a water wagon. We have several buggies and light wagons in for
repairs, along with a few chuck wagons. Most notably we have five stagecoaches
on our schedule in the next year for new construction or restoration work.”
Doug Hansen driving his
restored mud wagon during a historical reenactment
There are a number of similarities between the
marketing and advertising of vehicle companies in the 1800’s and those of
today. Not the least of which are the
efforts to create and strengthen brand loyalty.
With that said, I’m always curious as to whether a person has a favorite
early vehicle brand?
“Sorry but I do not have just one… Peter
Schuttler for their design and quality which continued throughout the wagon
making era, Abbot-Downing for their famous Concord Coaches, and MP Henderson
for their great western vehicles.”
Replica of M.P. Henderson mud
wagon circa 1870
Interesting; Just one more question before we
let you go back to the shop… What is it that you enjoy most about the work you
“I feel like I am an explorer discovering the
lost world, kind of like the Indiana Jones of wagon archeologists. Really, not
a day goes by without making some discovery. My passion to fully understand
this lost art & era is nourished by the new knowledge I recover daily.
Another great aspect is the relationships that have developed from this quest. I’ve
met so many great people on this journey and enjoy sharing this interest.”
Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop
Special thanks to Doug and the entire crew at
Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop for sharing some the behind-the-scenes details of
their business.
Finally, for those waiting on an answer for our
October 9th blog post, “Name That Vehicle,” the set of wheels we
highlighted was built by Studebaker and called an “Arizona buckboard.” We chose that image to illustrate the point
that vehicles often had numerous variations made to their designs, sometimes making them a bit
more challenging to immediately identify.
Congratulations to Doug Hansen as he emailed with the correct answer. Reviewing these pieces makes for interesting discussions as well as opportunities to learn more about America's early western vehicle industry. As a result, we’ll make it a
point to share a few others from time to time.
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